Thursday, January 28, 2010

Chapter 1 Reflection

Do you think the life of our human race will be prolonged or driven to extinction by computers? Why do you think so?

Well I learnt a lot from Mr. AC about computers. Before this I just knew how to handle Facebook, Friendster, MySpace and any other social networking and few things in Microsoft office. Thank you to Mr. AC, now I already started learning any other matter in computer. In my opinion computer has its own benefit and its disadvantages. Human are the one who will determine whether computers can give benefit or the opposite. For me, human race will not be prolonged or driven to extinction by computers. Other than using computers human still practice social activities and this absolutely will not affect human race. They still mix around with others, enjoy the nature around them and still having their normal life.

Would the human race survive if all the computers in the world crashed? Who would be
most badly hit?

I think most of the human population will not survive as their lives are almost 100% related to computers. The major populations that will be affected the most are business and government. These two organizations use computers a lot and without computers they cannot do their work. Though most of the human will hit badly if this disastrous happened, they still can back up and catch up and they will do something about it.

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